How to cancel app subscription on iPhone in less than a minute.
Most subscriptions are set to auto-renew after the trial is over, then they auto-renew monthly until you cancel the subscription NOT just delete the app.
How to cancel app subscription on iPhone in less than a minute
Go to Settings -your name – iTunes & App Store.
2.Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen, then tap View Apple ID. You might need to sign in with your Apple ID.
Scroll to Subscriptions, then tap it.
4.Tap the subscription that you want to manage.
If you’re being charged for a subscription, but you don’t see it in your list of subscriptions, it might be billed through someone other than Apple. Visit
Use the options to manage your subscription. You can choose a different subscription offering, or tap Cancel Subscription to cancel your subscription. If you cancel, your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.1
If you don’t see an option to cancel a particular subscription, then it’s already canceled and won’t renew. If the subscription recently expired, you should see an expiration date. If you recently canceled the subscription, you should see the date through which you’ll have access to the subscription.
When I checked out the Polaroid zip mobile printer reviewed on Youtube, I was a little skeptical. I went bought one, begrudgingly since it was a $100 sacrifice (Actually $115 with the paper, 30 sheets of 2″x3″ -See it here), but, I am happy to report, no regrets!
The Polaroid printer with paper bundle retails for $115 on Amazon. Printer only is $99
The Polaroid Zip Wireless Mobile Photo Mini Printer totally met my expectations in the ease of use, print quality and also its build. The printer is compatible with Iphone and Android and also supports NFC (Near field communication). Using the app is intuitive and has a very small learning curve.
Please note, The author of this review is an Amazon Affiliate. He will receive a small commission if you purchase from this site at no additional cost to you. This helps him do more reviews.Thanks for the support.